AFMC (Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference) is held biannually in Australia, and the 22nd AFMC2020 was…
October CFD Meetup Event – Melbourne
The October CFD Meetup was held on Wednesday 9th, at the Hub, Docklands in Melbourne.
We had around 35 people attend, with two talks focused on the ANSYS CFD software.

The speakers and their October CFD Meetup presentations can be found here:
Dr David Fletcher – University of Sydney, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering / Leap Australia – “New features and improvements in ANSYS Release 2019R3“
Mr Amjed A. Arifeen – Monash High Powered Rocketry – “CFD for altitude prediction and safety ”
Dr Darrin Stephens also gave a lightning talk on The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) performing CFD analysis on AWS. This talk was an addendum to his August talk that focusses on the TCO of onsite HPC hardware. Download
The attendees enjoying pizza, refreshments and networking afterwards.
Thanks to sponsors:
Pointwise and Applied CCM for general hosting.
Digicor (IT infrastructure management solutions) ( for covering meet-up online costs.
Leap Australia ( for covering pizza.
CTS and Tecplot ( ) for covering event hire.
The October CFD Meetup was another successful event hosted by Applied CCM, and the last event for the year is a social gathering on December 3rd – see our meetup discussion page for details.