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Pointwise Adds Native Interface to Conceptual Design Software ESP
Pointwise released an updated version of its computational fluid dynamics (CFD) mesh generation software. While primarily a maintenance release, it includes new geometry model import, improved CFD flow solver export, and user interface updates.

“We are currently performing research with MIT and the U.S. Air Force on automatic meshing,” said Dr. Steve Karman, a member of Pointwise’s Applied Research Team. “As part of that effort, we have added import of EGADS files, the native geometry format of the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) conceptual design software.” This native coupling of Pointwise’s meshing with ESP makes it that much easier to apply CFD during conceptual design when the simulation results can be most impactful.
Pointwise Version 18.2 R2 also includes updated support for NASA’s USM3D flow solver, expanded graphical selection of objects created during overset grid assembly, new convenience functions in Glyph scripting, improved status messages, and defect corrections.
To download Pointwise V18.2 R2 go to