In this month’s blog, we are ending 2020 on a festive note, by using Pointwise to…
Webinar on Improving Your Proficiency with Pointwise
Pointwise, the choice for CFD meshing, released an on-demand webinar that helps to improve your proficiency with Pointwise by doing a meshing walk-through of a CFD benchmark.

The Potsdam Propeller Test Case (PPTC) is a benchmark case used for assessing the accuracy of existing computer codes and modeling strategies in simulating hydrodynamic propeller performance. The controllable pitch propeller design was tested at several different conditions and has a wealth of experimental data for CFD validation.
In this webinar, Zach Davis, senior engineer at Pointwise, Inc., walks through creating an unstructured hybrid mesh consisting primarily of hexahedra and tetrahedra for the PPTC geometry while presenting several meshing best-practice guidelines.
Discover how to:
- Apply both Solid Modeling and Fault Tolerant techniques to quickly clean up CAD problems and prepare geometry for meshing
- Use localized grid control to resolve complex flows more efficiently
- Automate frequently-used meshing tasks by using Glyph utility scripts
- Improve cell quality of structured surface domains with the elliptic solver
- Copy, Transform, and Paste existing grid entities to substantially reduce time spent meshing
- Quickly create 3-D volume grids for simple shapes like boxes, cylinders, spheres, and polygons
- Export grid, boundary, and volume conditions to over sixty CAE solver grid formats by using the built-in CAE Solver plug-in
To watch the webinar and increase your proficiency go to