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Melbourne CFD Meetup – August Event

Applied CCM have been organising and hosting a series of Melbourne Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) meetup events in 2019, and the latest was our fourth event on August 7th 2019 at the Hub, Docklands in Melbourne.

We had around 30 people attend, enjoying pizza, refreshments and networking, followed by three talks focused on the two main hardware platforms for high performance computing (HPC): cloud based clusters and bare-metal in house clusters.

Darrin Stephens talking about cost of onwership of bare-metal HPC cluster
Darrin Stephens talking about cost of onwership of bare-metal HPC clusters

The speakers and their presentations can be found here:

Many thanks to our sponsors:
Digicor (IT infrastructure management solutions) ( for covering meet-up online costs,
AWS ( for providing pizza
GHD for event hire and drinks, and
Applied CCM / Pointwise (Australia) for managing and hosting the event.

Like many before another successful event hosted by Applied CCM. The place to come to meet with like-minded CFD experts and users.

  • Darrin Stephens
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