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Applied CCM Named Pointwise Distributor of the Year – 2019

We are pleased to announce that Applied CCM has been named the Pointwise Distributor of the Year for 2019.

Martin Leahy received the award from Pointwise executive vice presidents John Steinbrenner and Rick Matus (pictured below) at the recent annual international distributors meeting in Israel.

“It’s an honour to be recognised by Pointwise Inc as their Distributor of the Year for 2019,” said Darrin Stephens, director of Applied CCM. “This acknowledges not only of our efforts from the last year, but our efforts over several years. Pointwise excels in the areas of mesh quality, automation, reliability and flexibility. Pointwise Inc’s focus on technical excellence and integrity are a perfect fit to the values and business approach of Applied CCM and we look forward to the future.”

Applied CCM received the award on the back of increased sales, improved marketing strategies, including creating a new website, their efforts in hosting the Melbourne CFD meetup event/group, Pointwise monthly mesh blogs and quarterly Applied CCM newsletters.

Martin Leahy (middle) received the Distributor of the Year award from John Steinbrenner (left) and Rick Matus (right)
Martin Leahy (middle) received the award from Pointwise directors John Steinbrenner (left) and Rick Matus (right)

We are looking forward to another exciting year in 2020 with a couple of events in the planning.

Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problem facing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) today – reliably generating high-fidelity meshes. The company’s Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured, overset and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers such as ANSYS FLUENT®, STAR-CCM+®, OpenFOAM®, and SU2 as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and has a scripting language, Glyph, that can automate CFD meshing. Manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide have relied on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution since 1994.

  • Darrin Stephens
General News
1. Applied CCM Named Pointwise Distributor of the Year – 2019
2. Pointwise for Aerospace CFD Workshop 2020
3. Symposium on OpenFOAM® Technology 2020
4. AFMC2020 – 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
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