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The Evolution of Faster, Easier, More Reliable Automated Meshing
In the case study, “Pointwise and the Evolution of Faster, Easier, More Reliable Automated Meshing,” learn more about user-independent automated meshing and take a look at the latest meshing technologies under development at Pointwise.

Generating high-quality automated meshes for CFD analysis has been an industry goal for more than 30 years. Meshing solution developers have spent much of those years trying to create user-independent solutions, only to be stymied by the inherent complexities of geometry models, the mesh, and the CFD solution. Pointwise researchers have made tremendous strides in this area lately by building on the work of others over the last three decades. As a result, they expect to release several new features very soon that will help make automated meshing a reality.
Find out more about these latest advances, Pointwise and the Evolution of Faster, Easier, More Reliable Automated Meshing.