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Inflation around cricket bat

Cricket bat meshing

Here at Applied CCM, we love meshing. In our opinion there's nothing better than a nice looking mesh, ready to use in our CFD analysis and give it the best chance of good convergence and the most accurate results possible…

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 Mesh details of the wake buffer region

Twin box bridge deck meshing

Applied CCM are the distributors of Pointwise in Australia and New Zealand. This is the second in a series of meshing articles you will see from us in 2019. February's mesh showcases twin-box decks of a bridge on a Pointwise…

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Top view of club head.

Golf Driver Meshing

This is the third in a series of articles you will see from us in 2019 about meshes we have been working on. The March mesh showcases a golf club - specifically a golf driver. We all know that PGA…

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Figure 6 - Plot of speed 30 ms later time (than Figure 5) snapshot

Horizontal wind turbine near a bridge

Background The June mesh showcases the Pointwise meshing and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of a horizontal wind turbine placed under a twin deck bridge. This case was meshed in February, however we have now added a turbine rotor near…

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Figure 2 - Surface mesh of the raspi, showing CPU/GPU core (solid), circuit board (solid), pins, case structure and USB/LAN ports

Meshing a Raspberry Pi

The July mesh features the meshing of a Raspberry Pi - also known as a raspi. We will show details of a Pointwise mesh, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the thermally driven flow inside a simplified raspi and…

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Figure 1 - final mesh after running the Pointwise Glyph script

Scripting Pointwise Meshing

Introduction The August article features the scripting of a Pointwise mesh by using Pointwise's Glyph scripting functionality. The publicly available Glyph script "CreateOH" is used to automatically create a 2D structured "O-H" surface mesh (domain) from a set of circular…

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2D meshing with sources in Pointwise

CFD simulations involving three dimensional (3D) complex geometry have become the norm. This hasn't lessened the need for two dimensional (2D) simulations. Sometimes geometry and flow are such that a 2D simulation is the most appropriate approach. An example is…

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Figure 2 - Glider surface mesh (called Domain)

Pointwise as a Pre-processor for CFD

Introduction In this month's blog we use Pointwise as a pre-processor for performing a CFD analysis with ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM from the same Pointwise mesh. The geometry (Figure 1) is that of a glider and comes from the examples…

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