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Benchmarking Caelus tutorials on different operating systems

Caelus 4.10 is supported on eight (8) operating systems (OS’s), Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8.1, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, RedHat EL 6.x, RedHat EL 7.x, Mac OSX 10.9.5 and 10.10. This article presents results from some benchmarking work conducted at Applied CCM on six of the supported operating systems. Support for Apple OSX was in development whilst this work was undertaken and therefore no results are available for those operating systems. Data from OSX will be the subject of a future article.

Results presented below are from most of the tutorials that are shipped with Caelus 4.10. Some longer running tutorials (e.g. LES motorbike) have been excluded due to the time it would have taken to run the simulation six times (once for each OS tested). To facilitate comparison each operating system was installed onto the same hardware and each tutorial executed. The execution time was taken from the log file for each simulation and the results for each tutorial have been normalised to the RHEL6.5 result, thus the computer specifications are irrelevant for this exercise.


Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Airfoil case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Airfoil case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Backward Facing Step case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Backward Facing Step case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Bump case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D Bump case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D convex curvature case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the ACCM 2D convex curvature case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Angled Duct case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Angled Duct case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for th2D Mixer case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Mixer case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Motor Bike case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Motor Bike case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDaily case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDaily case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDaily case using experimental inlet values on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDaily case using experimental inlet values on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Turbine Sitting case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Turbine Sitting case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Cavity case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Cavity case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDily LES case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the PitzDily LES case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the Tee Junction case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Tee Junction case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the Mixer case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Mixer case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Rotor case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Rotor case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the Igloo case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Igloo case on different operating systems.


Comparison of relative execution time for the Igloo case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Igloo case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Buoyant Cavity case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the 2D Buoyant Cavity case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Circuit Board Cooling case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Circuit Board Cooling case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Hot Room case on different operating systems.
Comparison of relative execution time for the Hot Room case on different operating systems.


From the cases tested some statistics can be generated as shown in the table below:

Operating SystemMaxMinAverageStandard Deviation
Windows 7 Pro1.371.041.220.085
Windows 8.11.361.041.160.081
Red Hat EL 71.050.981.010.018

It is clear from the table that Windows 7 Professional is the slowest of all operating systems tested, on averaged being 22% slower than RHEL 6.5. Windows 8.1 followed closely behind being 16% slower on average than RHEL-6.5. The Windows operating systems also showed a greater standard deviation. All Linux flavoured operating systems showed similar speed and standard deviation.

  • Darrin Stephens
1. Caelus: a new direction in open-source CFD
2. Porting a new solver to Caelus
3. Benchmarking Caelus tutorials on different operating systems
4. Caelus OSX benchmark results
5. Caelus 5.04 released
6. Caelus 5.10 released
7. Caelus 6.04 released
8. Caelus 6.10 released
9. Caelus 7.04 Released
10. Caelus 8.04 Released
11. Caelus 9.04 released
12. Voxel Transition Cell Recombination for OpenFOAM meshes
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