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Caelus 8.04 Released

The next major version of Caelus, 8.04, was released today. This release comes with a new Python library, waves library, and several other application and library improvements. Here’s a summary of the new capabilities:

  • Caelus Python Library (CPL) is re-write and major upgrade over the previous Python library provided with Caelus. The library provides utilities for pre and post-processing, as well as automating various aspects of the CFD simulation workflow CPL was designed and developed by external contributor, Shreyas Ananthan. CPL documentation is available
  • waves library is a port of Niels Gjoel Jacobsen’s waves2Foam library to Caelus. It is a toolbox used to generate and absorb free surface water waves
  • Enhancements to the SIMPLE-based steady-state incompressible include consistent (SIMPLEC) and pressure correction run-time selectable options.
  • Consolidation of static and dynamic mesh solvers into unified solvers
  • New options for checkMesh to report the matrix bandwidth and to write mesh quality metrics to fields.
  • Add incompressible and compressible versions of the WALES LES model
  • Published validation and verification papers from ASME FEDSM 2017 available

There is a release notes PDF available on the download page with a more detailed description: .

The source repository has been updated to 8.04:

If you’re not already familiar with Caelus, you can read more about it on the website. Its free and open-source. The file formats are compatible with OpenFOAM but there have been many improvements to it such that it is now moving independently in its own direction.

Stay up to date with Caelus on Twitter @caelus_cml or Facebook

Applied CCM is currently the maintainer and main developer of Caelus. If you’re interested in porting or developing your own application to Caelus, we’ll be happy to provide guidance. If you’ve developed a solver or model that you would like to include in Caelus check out the contributors repository. Any and all external contributors copyright will be kept in their contributed source files.

  • Darrin Stephens
1. Caelus: a new direction in open-source CFD
2. Porting a new solver to Caelus
3. Benchmarking Caelus tutorials on different operating systems
4. Caelus OSX benchmark results
5. Caelus 5.04 released
6. Caelus 5.10 released
7. Caelus 6.04 released
8. Caelus 6.10 released
9. Caelus 7.04 Released
10. Caelus 8.04 Released
11. Caelus 9.04 released
12. Voxel Transition Cell Recombination for OpenFOAM meshes
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